달빛 KSAT 문항 분석 프롬프트 | 밍글민트(Minglemint NFT Marketplace)
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달빛영어 KSAT 문항분석 프롬프트를 넣고
2023학년도 수능특강 6강 3번 문항을 복사해서 넣으면 다음과 같은 결과값이 생성됩니다.
Summary: The text discusses the relationship between negative thinking, distressing emotions, and accurate perception of events. It argues that negative emotions can serve a useful function in processing difficult situations but become dysfunctional when thoughts become distorted.
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Topic: Negative Thinking and Distressing Emotions
주제를 뽑아줍니다.
Thesis Statement: Negative emotions can serve a useful function in processing difficult situations but become dysfunctional when thoughts become distorted.
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핵심어 10개를 엑셀표 양식으로 10개를 생성합니다.
Source: Adapted from "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns, M.D.
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내용 이해 문제 5개와 정답을 출력합니다.
Comprehension Questions:
What is the author's view on all forms of negative thinking?
The author believes that not all forms of negative thinking are unnecessary, extreme, and irrational.
What function can distressing emotions serve in processing difficult situations?
They can allow a person to work through the situation and incorporate it into their experience.
When do emotions and behavioral reactions become dysfunctional and self-defeating?
When thoughts take on an unrealistically negative and distorted quality.
What example does the author give of a situation where sadness is a useful emotion?
When a close friend has died and a person is sad because they miss the relationship.
What is the main argument of the text?
Negative emotions can serve a useful function in processing difficult situations but become dysfunctional when thoughts become distorted.
문법적 의미적으로 중요한 문장 두개를 분석합니다.
Key Sentences:
"If you are perceiving a situation accurately, your distressing emotions will serve a useful function for you."
Grammatical Explanation: This sentence is a conditional sentence in the present tense, with the condition being "if you are perceiving a situation accurately." The subject is "your distressing emotions," and the verb is "will serve."
Semantic Explanation: The sentence suggests that negative emotions are not always harmful and can be useful if a person accurately perceives the situation causing the emotions.
"Only when the thoughts take on an unrealistically negative and distorted it likely that you will experience emotions and behavioral reactions that are dysfunctional and self-defeating."
Grammatical Explanation: This sentence is a complex sentence with the main clause being "it is likely that you will experience emotions and behavioral reactions" and the subordinate clause being "when the thoughts take on an unrealistically negative and distorted quality." The subject of the main clause is "it," and the verb is "is." The subject of the subordinate clause is "thoughts," and the verbs are "take on" and "is."
Semantic Explanation: The sentence suggests that negative emotions become harmful when a person's thoughts about a situation become distorted and exaggerate the negative aspects of the situation.
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